Joe Treadwell
1 min readJul 7, 2020


Let’s take a look at the relativity of this situation. Even with an unprecedented modern plague made tragically worse by Dear Leader, kids in cages, jobless Americans on a scale that encroaches on a Great Depression, our allies trashed and alienated, China dancing on Trump’s face as they bring Hong Kong to fascist heel, millions of demoralized and angry citizens in the street, as corrupt an attorney general as we’ve seen in all of our history, gun violence off the scales, wealth inequality that now threatens the very pillars of the empire, and perhaps the “second wave” stalking us this winter, people are frightened to death that Orangezilla still has a good shot at re-election.

What does this say about America? How far from our proclaimed moorings have we drifted? What will ever bring us back? As Yeats asks, “what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?”

There will be no rats jumping from this diseased and drifting ship. Republicans (and I suppose all politicians) lust for their powers rather more than for the service they are honorably sworn to provide to their constituents. Republicans are, as Ralph Kramden might lament, caught in the old squeeze play. They show disloyalty to Der Gropenfuhrer, they’re out. They show loyalty to The Constitution, they’re out. Says an awful lot about “we, the people”, eh? Muahahaha. Stock up on popcorn.



Joe Treadwell

Mr. Treadwell is a teacher, musician, luthier and enthusiastic supporter of sanity, reason and other such modern day trivia. Whittling away: